Parish Education Committee

All are welcome to attend PEC meetings as an observer. If you would like to speak at the meeting, one week notice is required.

PEC Roles & Contact Info:

Chair – Mr. Bortolin –  [email protected]

Vice Chair – Mrs. Letwin –  [email protected]

Treasurer – Mr. Lacson –  [email protected]

Parent Participation – Mrs. Hrgovic – [email protected]

Maintenance – Mr. Hughes –  [email protected]

Parent Auxiliary – Mrs. Valbuena – [email protected]

Roles of the Parish Education Committee (PEC)

The Parish Education Committee is composed of seven (7) members. Five (5) are elected and two (2) are appointed by the Pastor. The Pastor is ex-officio a member of the Committee and of all sub-committees. The PEC will support and recognize the principal as chief administrator in the school. The Education Committee members together speak as one body and together ensure confidentiality of all matters dealt ‘in confidence’.

The Education Committee main task is to work closely with the Pastor and Principal in order to ensure that the goals and objectives of the school are being met and that the policies and guidelines of the CISVA are followed. Lead by the chairperson, Education Committee members accept the responsibilities and expectations outlined in the Policy Manual. The committee oversees the day-to-day operations of the school, including such areas as the collection of fees, payment of operating expenses, maintenance, etc. It will ensure that proper books and records are kept and maintained in order, it will ensure those records are compliant to standards set by CISVA. It will complete and submit reports and other documents as required by the Board of Directors or the Superintendent.

The Education Committee heavily relies on the participation of all its parents. The school cannot run without parent volunteers in key areas such as the parking lot, playground supervision, and work bee’s. These are just some of the areas where we would have to hire outside and pay for these services from our school funds. The Successful functioning of Queen of All Saints School is not possible without the members of the Education Committee and all its community members.


The Chairperson of the Education Committee is to work closely with the Pastor and the Principal.  The responsibilities of the Chairperson include:

  • Chair all meetings of Parish Education Committee
  • act as the official representative of the Committee on all matters of interest to the Committee
  • Call special meetings of the Committee as deemed necessary for the conduct of business
  • Determine the agenda for meetings of the Committee
  • Chair all meetings of the Committee and ensure all members are present.
  • Ensure that policies and decisions of the Education Committee are executed fairly and compliant  of CISVA policies
  • Make available to members information that is distributed by the Central Office of the C.I.S.V.A.
  • Process all correspondence on behalf of the committee.
  • Represent the P.E.C. at Parish Council meetings or assign a delegate
  • Ensure that all duties of Education Committee officers are executed.
  • Be a signing officer on Education Committee documents
  • Submit to the Parish Council by the end of April of each year a written report on the operations of the Committee, including a review of the main challenges and accomplishments.


The Vice-chairperson of the Education Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • To be acting chairperson during the chairperson’s absence.
  • To be the Society delegate/representative.
  • To carry on any other duties as assigned.


The Treasurer of the Education Committee is responsible to the P.E.C for recording and reporting the receipt of all monies received as income or disbursed for school expenditures on behalf of either The Catholic Public Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese or Queen of All Saints School. Other responsibilities of the Treasurer are:

  • Ensure that all monies described above are held and operated in bank accounts under the title of The Catholic Public Schools Archdiocese or Queen of All Saints School.
  • Share responsibility with the Pastor for the supervision of bank accounts under the above named titles.
  • Ensure that an effective accounting/bookkeeping system exists to properly and accurately record all financial transactions operated in any manner whatsoever under the above titles.
  • To be a signing officer on all Queen of All Saints school bank accounts.
  • Coordinate the preparation of an annual budget in consultation with the Pastor, other P.E.C members and the Principal.
  • Submit to P.E.C members a monthly printed financial report.


The Secretary of the Education Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • Ensure proper and thorough reporting and documentation of all committee-meeting proceedings.
  • Take attendance at all committee meetings. Keep minutes of all meetings of the Committee.
  • Duplicate and circulate to all members of the committee the minutes of previous meetings.
  • Ensure the minutes are received by members at least one week prior to regular meetings.
  • Collect reports from sub committees.
  • Reply to and process Education Committee correspondence in consultation with the Chairperson.
  • File all correspondence, minutes and reports.
  • Assist the Chairperson in the preparation of the annual report.
  • Assume such other duties as may be assigned by the Committee.

Parent Participation Program

Our Catholic School is part of the Christian Community and parents are expected to participate in some areas to help support the operation of the school.  The Parent Participation Program functions under the direction of the Parish Education Committee.  The P.E.C oversees the operation of this program. However it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that they have completed their work participation. Failure to do so will result in a penalty. In as much as the P.E.C. will try to facilitate all the various work programs it is ultimately the responsibility of the parents to make sure that they complete their participation.

  • Participation is expected to take place between July 1 and June 30 of the following year.
  • A participating family with children enrolled in the school is committed to a minimum of 50 hours service per school year depending on the category chosen.  Participating families who fail to deliver committed services will have to pay a penalty fee levied by the P.E.C.
  • A non-participating family will pay a surcharge in the amount of $1,000.00 over and above the tuition fee in lieu of contributed hours of service.
  • Those who by reason of special circumstances cannot participate or pay the surcharge must contact the Pastor for special exemption.

Parent Participation Coordinator will oversee the recording and monitoring of participation hours for each family of Queen of all Saints School.

Parent Auxiliary Group

As an independent Catholic school we rely heavily on tuition and the generosity of our parish community to succeed. While we do receive a portion of our funding from the government for operating costs, these costs and needs far exceed the funding received.

Furthermore, there is no funding for vital building upgrades and maintenance projects to improve the quality of education we provide and meet our growing needs. Essentially, a large gap in funding exists.

Our role in the Parent Auxiliary is to help shorten the gap.

In order for our school to run and be maintained properly as well as give our children the education experience they deserve, we need your help.

  • We need the help of EVERY family in our fundraising initiatives.
  • We would like to build a strong school community for our children and families
  • To help strengthen the relationship between our school and parish. As one can’t run without the other.
  • To form strong communication with parents
  • To support the school in the operating budget for each school year


  • Capture maintenance needs of the school building.
  • Establish a monthly series of Work Bee dates throughout the school year.
  • Communicate and discuss the status of all significant maintenance activities at monthly PEC meetings to ensure awareness and agreement.