Dear Parent or Guardian:
At Queen of All Saints, we continue to expand our use of online educational tools in order to provide a rich, digital teaching and learning environment.
One of the core components of this digital environment is the Google Education Suite. This offers the students the ability to work on their own or collaborate with their classmates and teachers on a variety of school-related activities and projects. Some components of the experience include add-ons that come from the Google Chrome Web Store. We only approve access to QAS-curated apps available through the Chrome Web Store, however safety is a primary concern when having your children use the internet for school work, so we ask you to please review the following and grant your student permission to participate by confirming at the bottom of this form.
Access to and the use of the Chrome Web Store components approved by QAS are tied to your student’s QAS login, and are for the purpose of completing learning objectives. These components may include app add-ons and Chrome extensions that enhance our use of Google Drive, Classroom and other areas in Google Education Suite.
Please sign below to confirm that you have read this information and have given your permission for your student to make use of Google Education Suite and it’s add-ins and extensions as described above.