Dear Parents,
Here are the updates for September 16th.
The BC Ministry of Education and the BC Centre for Disease Control have informed us of the following changes. These have been updated in our Safety Plan and will take effect immediately:
1. Parents are NO LONGER REQUIRED to submit a daily health check form to the school.
Parents should continue to refer to the form (attached) regarding the symptoms of COVID-19. All parents, students and staff must be aware of their responsibility to assess themselves daily for key symptoms prior to entering the school.
2. Return to School (Students and Staff)
Anyone experiencing symptoms of illness should not return to school until they have been assessed by a health-care provider to exclude COVID-19 or other infectious diseases AND their symptoms have improved (i.e. only mild symptoms remain like a sustained cough or an occasionally runny nose). A doctor’s note is not required for students or staff to return to school.
If a health assessment recommends testing to exclude COVID-19, students and staff who have been tested must stay home while awaiting their test results.
Students and staff with symptoms who have had COVID-19 excluded should not return to school until their symptoms have improved and they feel well enough.
If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, the health authority will provide further instructions to the student or staff member on when they can return to school.
As part of our Safety Plan, all are not to use the playground before and after school. We are required by the Provincial Health Officer, Ministry of Education, BC Centre for Disease Control and WorkSafeBC to ensure that all adults maintain 2m physical distancing and that students avoid physical contact. Our staggered start and dismissal times are a way to assist with these required measures. Families are asked to do their part and work together to see that all are safe.
This year due to COVID-19 we will not be having PE Uniform sales on site at school. Instead, PE Uniform orders can be submitted from our website here:
PE Uniform sales will be final, no returns or exchanges. Cheques will be accepted and payable to Queen of All Saints School.
Ordering will be open from Wednesday, September 16th until end of day Wednesday, September 23rd. Please send payment (via cheque only) to school no later than the morning of Thursday, September 24th.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email Claudia and Tasia at [email protected]
Students in Grades 2 to 7 are required to have the approved PE Uniform. They will wear their PE Uniform to school on their PE days. Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 may wear their school uniform to school, along with their runners on their PE days. There is no need to order the PE Uniform.
Parent Participation Reminder
· If you haven’t already done so please complete the revised parent participation forms (attached) within the week so we can finalize the assignments (re-attaching the form for your reference).
You can either email the office ([email protected]) or send the completed form with your child. If we don’t receive the forms back this week, we will assume your selection based on your submission during registration. If none of the updated programs lines up with your original selection, it is your responsibility to find areas to volunteer as it gets posted during the year.
· We will be sending out confirmation letters of programs you have been assigned to by next week. Category managers will contact you with details as soon as we have finalized the list of volunteers.
· We are in need of more volunteers for traffic and supervision, please consider as you make your choice. Please indicate period, day and time that will work best for you. Please select all options that are applicable.
Consignment Clothing
We are now collecting clean, stain-free uniforms (must be Cambridge uniforms) for consignment. Please drop off your items in front of the school with a completed consignment form attached. Watch the updates for more information on when our Consignment sale will take place.
School Office