Parent First Communion Meeting
There is a meeting tonight for parents of students receiving their first communion. It will be at 6:30 pm at the Parish Center.
Consignment Sale
There will be a consignment sale tomorrow, Thursday, May 12 afterschool in the back parking lot from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. White dress shirts, which may be worn next year, will be on sale at 50% off. Volunteers are needed. Please contact Mrs. Ko if you can help volunteer [email protected]
Crowning of Mary
Friday, May 13 is the Crowning of Mary Mass. We are asking students to bring flowers to the church before coming to school (starting at 8:30 am). Mothers and Grandmothers are invited to attend and will be honoured with a carnation. Please let the office know if you will be attending so we have enough carnations.
Hot Dog Lunch
The next hot dog lunch is Monday, May 16th, for those that pre-ordered this fundraiser.
OLA Track Meet
The OLA Track meet on Tuesday, May 17th is open to all students in grade 3 to 7. Permission forms were sent home yesterday and are due back tomorrow, May 12th.
Student-Led Conferences
Please be sure to sign up for these conferences scheduled for Thursday, May 19th. Sign up is by way of the Calendly link sent to parents from your child’s classroom teacher. There are no classes this day.
Pro-D Day
Friday, May 20th is a Professional development day. There are no classes on this day.
Our Carnival will take place on Friday, June 3rd from 3 to 8pm. Everyone is welcome. There will be lots of food, a beer garden, games and prizes. See attached food and activity pass presale order form (due by Wednesday, May 25th). There will also be a silent auction and class projects to bid on. Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Return the attached volunteer form if you are able to help. Participation hours will be given. Hard copies of the forms will be sent home with your oldest child tomorrow.
Cambridge Uniform Sale
Spring Savings on school uniforms continues until May 21st. You will receive a 5% discount on all online sales. Our school code is QUE753. See attached flyer for more details.
School Office
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