The Hot Foods program will be conducting an on-line survey to help with future meal planning. The planning committee is looking for help in setting up a free on-line survey (possibly Survey Monkey). Do you have experience with this? If you can help, please contact the office. Participation hours will be given.
St. Vincent de Paul says Thank-you for your tremendous support of their Christmas food drive. The food collected by our school was used to fill 22 Christmas hampers, 10 Easter hampers as well as the ongoing requests they receive monthly for food hampers. St. Vincent de Paul is planning for summer and requesting our support once again. We will be accepting donations until June 11, 2021. If you are in need, or you know of a family in need, please let us know and we will forward your information to St. Vincent de Paul.
These conferences will not be able to be held “in-person” this year. Rather, each student will be bringing home a portfolio to share with their parents. Students will have an agenda to follow with their parents. It may include activities to do together and samples of work that the child has completed. This is meant to be a sharing and celebration of work completed and skills attained. As originally planned, classes will not be in session on Thursday, May 20th. It is suggested that families complete their conferences at home on this day. Families will also receive a form from their child’s teacher to fill out and return.
School Supply lists for next year are posted on our school website. Kindergarten supplies will be ordered in bulk for next year, so there is no supply list. Payment for Kindergarten students is $50/student and should be forwarded to the school this week. Grades 1 to 7 school supply orders must be placed on-line (not through the school). Our school code is 4360. Orders must be placed by May 28, 2021. EduPacs will be shipped to the school, and will be sent home for labelling on the first day of school.
Yearbook front and back cover competition
Open to all students. Here is a chance to have your artwork featured on the QAS 2020/2021 yearbook. Please draw a picture on a letter size paper depicting the theme ‘Walk with Jesus our Living Hope.’ Please submit your drawing with your name to the school office by Friday May 14th.
Raise-the-Funds and MaxFrut Fundraisers
For those that ordered, Raise the Funds and MaxFrut orders will be ready for pickup on Wednesday, May 19th. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Bertani for Raise-the-funds and Sonya Bevacqua for MaxFrut..
As you know, there is no school on Monday, May 24th as we celebrate Victoria Day Holiday. There is also no classes on Thursday, May 20th for Student-Led Conferences and Friday, May 21st for a Pro-D Day.
School Office