April 8th, 2020 – A note from Ms. Sandberg

Dear Parents,

I hope you are healthy! By now you should have been in contact with your child’s teacher and received some information on how things will look for your child’s continued learning, some lessons or activities.

Having participated in CISVA Principal’s meetings and speaking with other educators in various school districts, there are still so many questions regarding how much work per day/week? What platforms and resources are the best? How do we connect with our students/families effectively? As with in classroom learning, all schools and districts will have similarities, as we use the same curriculum. There will be differences too, as schools, districts, and staff all use their professional judgement to determine what works best for their students. These indeed are interesting times as we navigate this change to our educational system.

I’d like to thank the hard working educators that I work with here at QAS, for the many hours and effort that our team has put in thus far. The energy level is high and the willingness to explore new avenues, and assist one another has been wonderful to experience.

As we head into the Triduum and Easter weekend, I’d like to encourage you to take part in the Masses that are being held online. Our Priests have done a great job to ensure that we can all prepare for the joy of Easter.

Have a Happy and healthy Easter!

Miss Sandberg