Dear Parents,
The Queen of All Saints PEC would like to take a moment to thank you very much for your participation in our recent survey regarding our uniforms. We want you to know that all of your responses were read and considered. Thank you for your input.
Based on ongoing discussions among the PEC members and your valued input, the PEC has voted to make some changes to our QAS uniform. The changes will be in place for the 2022-2023 school year and continuing forward. The changes are as follows:
- The QAS golf/polo shirt from the summer uniform will replace the monogrammed dress shirt.
- Summer uniform – grey skort/shorts and white socks will be OPTIONAL.
- Black pants will be added as an option for girls for the main uniform.
- There will be an approved list of black pants from other suppliers (besides Cambridge) to give parents a choice about where to get the pants and to help with cost. (The list will be provided as soon as it is completed with PEC & Ms. Sandberg’s approval.)
Because we understand that some families have purchased uniform pieces with the intention of hopefully using them over several years, there will be a “grace period” of 1 year where either dress shirt or golf shirt will be allowed.
The Uniform Policy will be updated in the Parent Handbook for the 2022-2023 school year.
*** Please note that Cambridge is continuing to experience product delays due to COVID and global shortages of products. They strongly encourage orders to be placed for new uniforms by June 15, 2022 where possible. This can help ease the backlog that happened this past August, and that they could see happening again this year.
Also, did you know that on the Cambridge Website, you can filter the results by grade level? This way you only see what you need for your child’s specific grade!
Thank you, once again, for your input.
*If you have any questions regarding the Uniform Policy (current or upcoming) please check the Parent Handbook on the QAS website or email The PEC Vice Chair at [email protected].
Yours in Christ,