School Updates – January 20th, 2021


Thank-you to all of you that volunteered to help with supervision. Your support is greatly appreciated! I have one spot yet to fill – Mondays at lunch starting Feb 1 and going to the end of June. If you are able to help, please contact the office.

Landingin Family

Please keep one of our QAS families, the Landingin Family, in your prayers. Sadly, Mr. Landingin passed away last week.

Neon Day

Friday, January 29th is a dress-down day. Students are invited to wear Neon/Bright clothing and bring a loonie in support of Catholic Charities.

Ongoing Bottle Return Fundraiser

Here is an easy way to raise funds for our school. Simply bring your bottles to a ‘return-it’ depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the school’s phone number (604-931-9071) into the Express kiosk. The kiosk will print sticker tags displaying our QAS Express account code. Tag each of your bags and drop the bags off in the designated Express drop-off area to be counted. Please use standard, commercially available ‘blue’ recycling or ‘transparent’ bags. Please avoid bags with the ‘pull string’ closing system. They have a tendency to leave a hole at the top where your containers can fall out.

For more information:

Types of beverage containers accepted:


Frequently asked questions:

Raise the Funds Fundraiser

Please help support QAS with this amazing fundraiser! Raise the Funds offers great quality foods made fresh using local community small businesses.  It’s a great way to stock your fridge and help small businesses as well! An order form will go home with your child later this week.  All orders need to be submitted to the school by Thursday, February 4th. Your orders will be ready for pickup on Tuesday, February 23rd. Thank you so much for supporting Queen of All Saints School.

All Saints Parish MASS Times

JOIN live-stream MASS from home or your car in the parish parking lot. Holy Communion is distributed after each live-streamed Mass.


Sun- 9am and 11am

Mon- 9am

Tues- 7pm

Wed- 9am

Thurs- 9am

Fri- 7pm

Sat- 9am

CONFESSION TIMES- Please Call Father Don for appointment  #778-899-3303

Basketball Practice

Basketball season is underway. Just a reminder to please be prompt in picking up your children at 4:15pm. All students will be dismissed from the back parking lot by the playground.

School Office