Dear Parents,
Wow, it’s June already! Where have these last few months gone? While we are getting close to the end of the school year, there is still important learning that will take place. Keep up the hard work everyone!
While the COVID-19 numbers in the province continue to decline, we have been told by the Ministry of Education that all protocols for schools that are currently in place must continue to the end of June. The PHO and Government “reopening plan” stages do not apply to schools. In fact, we have been told to remain vigilant and ask that all in our community do the same. This includes staying home if one is not well and heading home quickly after school.
We are still awaiting direction from the PHO and Ministry of Education as to what the 2021-2022 school year will be like. This information may or may not be available to us by the end of June. However, we are hoping and planning for a “normal” year beginning in September.
Our staff have discussed the COVID-19 protocols and found that there were some “positives”. As a result, we have decided to continue with some of them next year:
1. We will be changing our school day slightly for all students. All classes will begin the day at 8:40 a.m. Morning recess will be from 10:15 to 10:30 a.m. Lunch will be from 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. and dismissal for all classes will be at 2:50 p.m. Staff have appreciated less interruptions at the end of the day, with students who leave early for school games and other after school activities. This will allow our school teams to leave for games at 2:50 p.m., without missing class time.
2. The “welcome at the door”. We will continue to use the various entry (and exit) points for the different classes. Staff have enjoyed greeting the students each morning. The multiple entry points also give the students more room to line up and the stairwell areas are less crowded. With all classes coming at the same time, there will be some minor adjustments to how students line up outside.
3. The Primary staff have noticed that with the students playing first (eating second), they eat their lunch and do not feel rushed to get outside. Also, having more room for students on the playground has been a positive in many ways. However, the older students miss seeing the younger ones. These two items require further discussion.
Stay safe,
J. Sandberg
The Ministry of Education, FISA BC, and Children’s Hospital are distributing COVID-19 “Gargle test kits” that can be sent home should a child become symptomatic at school. This will be an option for parents, who can administer the test at home and then drop off the container at any LifeLabs location.
Bottle Drive Fundraiser Starts Today!
Calling all families to bring your bottles and other returnable beverage containers. You can drop them off in the back parking lot by the church between 8:30-9am and 2:45-3:15pm on June 2, 3 or 4. Thanks for supporting QAS.
Hot Dog Lunch
The next hot dog lunch, for those that pre-purchased this fundraiser, is Monday, June 7th.
Parent Participation Information
All submitted participation hours have been inputted in the system (except Supervision hours for May & June). Please check that recorded hours match your records. If you haven’t submitted your participation hours, please do so by June 11th as we will start reconciling for year-end. We will reach out to families in early June to assess incomplete hours, particularly those that have greater than 10 missed hours. Please note that, as per policy, we will be cashing checks in June for incomplete hours. Families will be advised prior to cashing.
If you feel that there is a discrepancy, please contact your category manager to confirm submission of hours or Maricar Balbago ([email protected]). Thank you.
If you are interested in buying a yearbook this year, please click on the link to order. The cost of the yearbook is $15 plus GST and the deadline to order is Friday June 4th. The school is not taking any payments it is all done online. There is a delivery charge to have the yearbook mailed directly to you ($5.60) or you can pick up your yearbook from Photo Expressions in Port Coquitlam free of charge.
1) Visit
2) Enter access code QAS2021
Rosary Fundraiser

Our Grade 6 and 7 students are doing a rosary fundraiser in support of Holy Childhood Association. They have been busy creating beautiful rosaries to sell. An order form is attached, orders are due by June 14th, 2021.
The Parent Auxiliary Committee is hosting an online fundraising auction! The online auction is to bid to have your very own reserved parking stall at QAS for the upcoming school year, complete with your family name on the stall. Note the corrected auction closing date is June 14th. Get your bids in!
There are 5 spots available:
Parking Stall #1 – Front Lot
Parking Stall #2 – Front Lot
Parking Stall #3 – Rear Lot
Parking Stall #4 – Rear Lot
Parking Stall #5 – Rear Lot
Auction open date: May 27, 2021
Auction close date: June 14, 2021 **revised deadline
Starting bid: $200, with $50 increments
Bid site:
Hot Foods Survey
The Hot Foods program is conducting a survey to get feedback on the hot foods program for this current school year. Because of the pandemic the program was adapted to comply with the safety plans. No meal prep is allowed on site and so all meals were out-sourced. Please click on the link to complete the survey and you are asked to involve your children when completing the survey. The survey close tonight at 10pm.
Gym strip sales for next year are now open. Orders and payment are due by June 14th. Go to our school website to place your order. Items will be sent home with your children in June.
St. Vincent de Paul is planning for summer and requesting our support. We will be accepting donations of non-perishable items until June 11, 2021.
School Office