Dear Parents,
Attached to today’s updates, you will find the revised COVID-19 Daily Health Check. The Ministry of Education is once again stressing the importance of students/staff staying home if they are unwell. You may also find the same health check online at Let’s all do our part and keep our community healthy!
We have received a number of phone calls from local residents, on Clifton Ave., Fairfax St. and Brisbane Ave. about QAS drivers “gunning it” as they leave our parking lot. We have been informed by the Coquitlam RCMP that they will be monitoring the area and issuing tickets to drivers who exceed the posted 30 km/hr. speed limit on these streets, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Take care,
J. Sandberg
Friday, March 12th
Please note that this day is a “full day” of school. There is no early dismissal as in the past. This is due to the late start in September and in keeping with the required hours of instruction per year of the CISVA.
TAX Receipts
Tax receipts are being sent home with your oldest child today for families with surnames beginning with A to R. Please check your child’s backpack. Families with surnames beginning with S to Z will be sent home tomorrow.
Our Cat Chat Treasures of Faith Lenten Journey continues this week with Lesson 3 on Angels & Saints. Click on this link to access this week’s information. Enjoy the Adventure!
K-12 Schools and COVID-19 Website
The BCCDC has enhanced their K-12 Schools and COVID-19 website ( ) to include a variety of user friendly resources including infographics, videos, and FaQs for students/parents, staff and administrators. Check it out for more information.
Re-registration packages will be sent home with your youngest child on Monday March 8th. Please complete and return the packages at your earliest convenience. All packages are due back by March 31st to avoid a late penalty. There will be a drop box at the front of the school. If you do not plan on having your child return to QAS, please let us know as soon as possible as we have families on the waitlist.
Munch A Lunch will be opening March 5 to accept orders for our last session this year. It will CLOSE MARCH 17. Please watch for reminder emails. We are excited to be offering meals from White Spot and we are going to try out a new pizza supplier – Pizza One. We hope the new options will be enjoyed by the students. As always, all feedback is welcome.
We are running a Gift Card fundraiser for Spring. The school purchases gift-cards at a discount, and then resells them at face-value – so there is no extra cost to you! The school receives the difference (2% to 10% depending on retailer) as a fundraiser. This is an easy way to raise money by spending on ordinary, everyday things like groceries. Small gift-cards are great for stocking stuffers or for those opting to purchase gift-cards for gifts or on-line shopping. The order form is included below. Orders and payment are due before Friday, March 12th. Pick-up of gift cards will be Wednesday, March 31.
School Office