Dear Parents,
The Ministry of Education and the Superintendent’s Office of CISVA have provided guidance as to what the expectations are regarding the resumption of learning once the spring break ends. Schools are working now to put in place a plan for an alternate delivery of learning opportunities for students. I will present these guidelines, as well as some of our school’s own local decisions, in a Q&A format below. There will be many more questions that will arise as we go through this process together and I ask for your patience as we work to get this organized and communicated to you.
Also attached with this letter is a very helpful set of frequently asked questions released by the Ministry of Education on 25 March.
For Essential Service Workers (heath care workers and emergency responders) : If you have unaddressed childcare needs please contact me directly.
If you have questions, please email me directly at [email protected]
Joan Sandberg
Q & A for Parents Regarding Learning for the Remainder of the Year
1). Will schools re-open on 30 March?
Schools will reopen on Monday 30 March for staff only, although remotely. The Ministry of Education and CISVA have stated that parents should expect learning to commence within a week or two of that date. Because in-classroom learning has been suspended in the province how schools are to deliver education will take on some new forms and approaches. Staff are currently working on getting a comprehensive plan together and we will have these details to families by April 6, 2020.
The Ministry of Education is expected to release a planning framework document for teachers on Friday 27 March, which will provide support and direction for our school’s plan. Our teachers will need some time to digest this framework and put it into practice by April 7, 2020. In the meantime, our staff have already been working to anticipate the changes needed to ensure the continuity of learning for your child.
2). How will teaching and learning take place when in-class instruction has been suspended?
Learning for your child will be delivered in a variety of ways. We recognize that the methods used will need to be age appropriate and our teachers are working to ensure this for our students.
It will take time to work this out and we ask for your patience and understanding as we work through the logistics of how this will occur. The goal is not to replace the classroom experience, but to provide the best possible learning under these circumstances. We do not want learning to become a source of stress and conflict in the home and recognize that striking the right balance will take some time. Ultimately, it will be up to parents to determine when and how much work can be accomplished each day. This is an opportunity for all of us to work together to support our students.
3). What materials and equipment will students use?
You will be informed next week.
4). How do we collect our child’s personal items from school?
You will be informed next week.
5). Will students who receive learning support at school continue to receive support at home?
Please refer to the FAQ on Continuity of Learning released by the Ministry of Education on 25 March (see section 2). Our Learning Resource Teachers will be in contact with families with further information.
6). When can I expect to be contacted by my child’s teacher?
You will be informed next week.
7). Will the school have office hours?
Yes, although limited. You will be informed of this next week.
8). Will tuition be waived?
The Ministry of Education has been clear that while in classroom learning has been suspended student learning continues. Our goal is to ensure that this takes place in as seamless a way as possible recognizing the challenges this presents for all concerned – parents, student and staff. We will continue to charge tuition to meet our financial obligations to staff and suppliers.
If your financial circumstances have changed significantly as a result of COVID 19 and you are unable to pay your tuition, please write to Joan Sandberg, Principal and the Parish Education Committee Chair, Lisa Cheah, and we will work with you on an appropriate plan to defer whole or in part. We are here to help. We do not want anyone to withdraw from the school should they be unable to pay tuition.
If you need to make such a request, please email before April 10, 2020. Email Joan Sandberg, Principal [email protected] and PEC Chair, Lisa Cheah at [email protected]
9). Will this impact First Communion and Confirmation dates?
Students in Grades Two and Seven will continue preparation for receiving the Sacraments. Formal celebrations will be postponed until further notice from the Archbishop’s office. Schools will communicate with pastors to determine how preparation will continue.
10). What about other scheduled activities?
All activities including, all meetings, sports, the musical, the Carnival, and the Grade 7 Farewell are postponed at this time.
11). What about parent participation?
This program is suspended at this time. You will receive further information at another time. Families will not be penalized.
12). What about registration for next year?
Please scan/photograph and email a copy of FORM A1 ONLY to [email protected] before Friday, April 3rd. This will hold your child(ren)’s spot in their respective class for September, 2020.
The rest of the completed registration package will be collected at a future date and you will receive further information about the process.
Further, if your child(ren) are not returning to QAS in September, 2020, please email a letter indicating such to [email protected] before Friday, April 3rd. This will allow the school to offer positions to families on the wait list.
While these are trying and uncertain times for all, I have no doubt that with patience, cooperation and hard work, we will get through this together.
I wish all of you good health and stay safe!
Joan Sandberg