School Updates – December 9th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Thanks to all parents who are maintaining 2 meter physical distance on the school grounds. If you are unable to do so, wearing a mask is greatly appreciated.

Thanks to those drivers who are keeping to the 10 km/hr. speed limit on the playground.

Let’s continue to work together, for the safety of all!

Miss Sandberg


Week 2  of our Advent presentation WE SHALL PREPARE is now available through the link: Tune in to hear Moses – Set My People Free (Grades 6 & 7), From a King to a King – David (Grades 2 and 3), and Bethlehem (Kindergarten and Grade 1).  Last week’s presentation is also available on our website if you missed it.


We are still collecting non-perishable food items for St. Vincent De Paul for their Christmas Hampers. They are in need of the following items: pasta sauce, soup, canned pork & beans, canned spaghetti, Kraft dinner, peanut butter, tins of salmon, tuna and chicken, canned vegetables, juice boxes, coffee, tea, cereal, tins of cookies (they have a good supply of pasta noodles already). Thank-you to all families who have already brought in non-perishables. The last day for donations is tomorrow, Thursday, December 10th.


Munch-A-Lunch will be open later this week to order hot lunch for Term 2 (January 13th to March 31st). Ordering closes on Thursday, December 17th. NO late orders will be accepted. Payment is due by Monday, January 4th.


Our Advent Giving Tree will be a little different this year. Instead of purchasing gifts for the needy, families are invited to donate money that the organizers will use to purchase gifts for five local organizations: Talitha Koum Society, Luke 15 House, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Hawthorne Care Centre and Cartier Care Home. The project is being organized jointly by Mrs Styka and Deacon Greg. Donations should be make through the archdiocesan website Ensure to put “All Saints Parish Offering” under Parish name and in the Comment Box “Advent Charity”. Donations must be received by December 18th. Thank-you for helping the needy this Advent.


The last day of classes before Christmas break is Friday, December 18th. Students will be dismissed early. Primary students will be dismissed at 11:50am and Intermediate students will be dismissed at Noon.

School Office