School Updates – February 10th, 2021

Dear Parents,

I want to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe Family Day weekend. Cold temperatures and some snow in the forecast, a great opportunity to get outside and have some fun!

We begin the season of Lent next week and we have a number of events planned. On Ash Wednesday, February 17th, the Grade 4/5 cohort will celebrate Mass in the gym. This Mass will be “Zoomed” to all of the other classes. After Mass, all students will receive ashes. This year, ashes will be sprinkled on the head of each person.

A tradition here at QAS is to enjoy a “Rice Bowl” lunch on Ash Wednesday. This sacrifice is a way to begin the season of Lent. It also helps us to understand how many people in our world live on a daily basis, when one bowl of rice a day is all that they may eat each day. Our Hot Foods team has arranged that all students and staff will receive a rice bowl for lunch on February 17th. The rice will be commercially prepared and packaged in line with the PHO orders. The rice is plain rice and suitable for those with allergies. Students may still bring in a snack for recess but are asked to accept the “Rice Bowl Challenge” at lunch and just eat rice and drink water.

We know that with families not being able to attend Mass, it can be a challenge to maintain the regular routines with young children. We will be sending a Cat Chat link to all of our families on Ash Wednesday. This program (described below) is something that families can share together throughout Lent. While it is suitable for K to Grade 4 students, even the older ones can gain something from it.

Have a great weekend and stay safe!

J. Sandberg

Cat Chat: Are You Ready For An Adventure? QAS staff want you to join us this Lent!

Lent is a great time for spiritual growth. Come explore the Treasures of our Faith through engaging videos, fun activities, and inspiring content right from the comfort of your home.

The NEW Treasures of Faith Lenten Journey challenges kids to explore what we believe.

Ash Wednesday: Jesus

1st Sunday: Mary

2nd Sunday: Angels and Saints

3rd Sunday: Prayer

4th Sunday: The Sacraments

5th Sunday: God the Father

Palm Sunday: The Holy Spirit

Holy Thursday: The Mass

You’ll get a new digital lesson every week, from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday. Login information will be sent out next week. This online program has the perfect balance between video and music, games, and activities. And best of all, it’s so easy-to-use!


A special thank you to QAS parent and plumber Daniel Palitti for all his hard work this past weekend. He installed new sinks in the boy’s  and girl’s  washrooms across from the Kindergarten room (see attached photos). Also thanks to Maurice Lavoie for acquiring the parts needed at a savings to the school. Finally, a shout-out to our PEC Maintenance Coordinator, Brian Bortolin and all parent helpers for all their work in updating and maintaining our school.

Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser ( Ongoing throughout the school year ) 

We are pleased to offer QAS families with another fantastic fundraiser!

Mabel’s Labels is known for manufacturing high quality, customizable, waterproof, dishwasher, microwave and laundry safe labels which can be used for virtually anything! When you purchase Mabel’s Labels through our QAS fundraising site, our school receives 20% commission and the labels are mailed, free of charge, to your home address.

Parent Auxiliary Hot Dog Lunch Offer

The PAX is offering Hot Dog lunches once per month on the following 5 Mondays, February 22, March 29, April 12, May 10 and June 7. Order forms were sent home last week (also attached) if you would like your child to participate (1 order form per child). Unfortunately, because the making of the hotdogs has to be outsourced, they are not able to offer vegetarian or gluten free options. Orders and payment are due by Tuesday, February 16th. If you have any questions or to discuss alternative options, please contact Lori Johnstone at [email protected]

PE Uniform

We have met the minimum requirement for ordering more PE Uniforms. For those of you that placed an order on-line, please send in your payment asap if you have not already done so. Please note that it may take up to 6 weeks to receive the orders. If you have any questions, please email Claudia & Tasia at [email protected].

Cambridge Uniforms

Cambridge Uniforms is offering QAS a discount for Catholic Schools week (from February 14th to 21st) for all orders placed online. Our online school code is: QUE753  The discount is automatically applied at the checkout stage, there is no requirement to enter a discount count. The attached PDF has links embedded for you to click and be directed to the website.

Catholic Educators Conference & Family Day

Just a reminder that there is no school on Thursday, Feb. 11th and Friday, Feb. 12th so that the teachers can attend the Catholic Educators Conference. Monday, February 15th is BC Family Day holiday. Enjoy an extra-long weekend.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

School Office