School Updates – March 10th, 2021

Dear Parents,

I want to wish all families a healthy and restful Spring Break. I hope that the weather cooperates and allows us to get outside often!

The Ministry of Education has asked all schools to remind families to be careful and follow the Provincial Health Officer’s current orders, especially around not gathering and keeping activities local.

Our community has worked hard to keep our school safe. We are just months away from vaccinations that should ease the effect of the pandemic. Let’s all do our part during Spring Break so that we can return to school healthy on March 29th.

Take care,

J. Sandberg

Spring Ahead This Weekend…

Daylight savings time begins this Saturday at 2:00 a.m. Remember to turn your clocks ahead.

Friday, March 12th

Please note that this day is a “full day” of school. There is no early dismissal as in the past. This is due to the late start in September and in keeping with the required hours of instruction per year of the CISVA.


Our Cat Chat Treasures of Faith Lenten Journey continues this week with Lesson 4 on Prayer. Click on this link to access this week’s information. Enjoy the Adventure!


Re-registration packages were sent home with your youngest child last week. Please complete and return the packages at your earliest convenience. All packages are due back by March 31st to avoid a late penalty. There will be a drop box at the front of the school. If you do not plan on having your child return to QAS, please let us know as soon as possible as we have families on the waitlist.


Munch A Lunch is open to accept orders for our last session this year. It will CLOSE MARCH 17.  Please watch for reminder emails. We are excited to be offering meals from White Spot and we are going to try out a new pizza supplier – Pizza One. We hope the new options will be enjoyed by the students. As always, all feedback is welcome.


The next school year (2021/22) will be Mrs. Lando’s last year at QAS and so we will need to find a replacement to coordinate the Hot Foods program. You are invited to shadow Mrs. Lando during her final year and then lead the program the following year. If you are interested please contact the office.


We are running a Gift Card fundraiser for Spring.  The school purchases gift-cards at a discount, and then resells them at face-value – so there is no extra cost to you! The school receives the difference (2% to 10% depending on retailer) as a fundraiser. This is an easy way to raise money by spending on ordinary, everyday things like groceries. Small gift-cards are great for stocking stuffers or for those opting to purchase gift-cards for gifts or on-line shopping. The order form  is available on our website. Orders and payment are due before Friday, March 12th.  Pick-up of gift cards will be Wednesday, March 31.  For more information contact Claudia at [email protected]

On-going Bottle Fundraiser

A reminder to bring your bottles to a ‘return-it’ depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the school’s phone number (604-931-9071) into the Express kiosk. For more details see:


The first day back after Spring Break, Monday, March 29th is a Hot Dog lunch day for those participating in this fundraiser.


Thursday April 1st is Holy Thursday. Students will be dismissed at noon on this day. There is no school on Good Friday, April 2nd and Easter Monday, April 5th.

Report cards will be sent home this Friday, March 12th. Have a wonderful, restful Spring Break.

School Office