Dear Parents,
As we continue our journey towards Easter, by remembering the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus during these next three days. I pray that we will find time to join in on the Masses celebrated in our Parish, at least virtually. Our classes have been discussing the importance of the Triduum and the many traditions that were instituted by Jesus or came about because of His sacrifice for us. It would be wonderful if the students had an opportunity to have a better understanding by experiencing a Mass or the Good Friday Service.
I want to take the opportunity on behalf of the QAS Staff to wish all of our families a very Happy Easter. May all feel the love of Jesus and know that he is with us always.
God Bless,
Miss Sandberg
Early Dismissal Tomorrow
The Primary students (K to Grade 3) will be dismissed at 11:50 a.m. tomorrow, Thursday April 1st. The Intermediate students (Grade 4 to 7) will be dismissed at 12:00 p.m.
Good Friday and Easter Monday
There are no classes on Friday, April 2nd and Monday, April 5th due to the Easter holiday. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 6th.
A Message From Fraser Health Re: Immunizations for school-aged children
– The immunization program will resume for school-aged children this year.
– To start, public health staff will contact families of students currently in Grade 7 who missed their immunizations during the 2019-2020 school year, due to COVID-19. These students will be offered appointments during the spring and summer.
– Immunization information for Kindergarten and Grade 6 students from the 2020-2021 school year will be provided at a future date.
Thank you to all children for filling your mite boxes in support of our seminarians. Some children have been doing extra chores at home as a way to earn money for this. It’s a great way to practice alms-giving with children during lent. Please return all mite boxes after Easter.
Our Cat Chat Treasures of Faith Lenten Journey continues this week with Lesson 8 on the Mass . Click on this link to access this information. Previous lessons from Spring Break (5, 6 & 7) can be accessed here , and . Alternatively, to access all available lessons please login at and click “My Library” in the menu. Here are some Cat Chat resources for Holy Week Triduum coloring pages and Good Friday Ideas Enjoy the Adventure!
Re-registration packages were sent home with your youngest child before Spring Break. All packages are due back today, March 31st to avoid a late penalty. There will be a drop box at the front of the school. If you do not plan on having your child return to QAS, please let us know as soon as possible as we have families on the waitlist.
If you have not already done so, please submit your payment for Hot Foods for this final term.
The next school year (2021/22) will be Mrs. Lando’s last year at QAS and so we will need to find a replacement to coordinate the Hot Foods program. You are invited to shadow Mrs. Lando during her final year and then lead the program the following year. If you are interested please contact the office.
On-going Bottle Fundraiser
A reminder to bring your bottles to a ‘return-it’ depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the school’s phone number (604-931-9071) into the Express kiosk. For more details see:
Have a Happy Easter.
School Office