School Updates – October 14th, 2020

Friday was a wet one but it didn’t dampen our spirits, as our students and staff participated in the annual Walkathon. A huge thank you to Mrs. Dallazanna, who once again headed up the organizing of this event. Also, thanks to the many volunteers who braved the elements so that all were safe. We appreciate your support! All pledges are due to school by this Friday, October 16th.

Have a healthy week,

Miss Sandberg


It’s that time of year again where we start to look ahead to our next Kindergarten class. According to our records, the following families have siblings entering next year: Barnaby, Perone, Szechenyi, Volz and Zanatta.

If you have a child who will 5 years old before December 31, 2021 and your name does not appear above, please inform the office.


Winter uniform starts tomorrow, October 15th.


The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Queen of All Saints School. It will be here from Friday, October 16th to the 21st.  We will have books on display in the Library, which students will be given time to look at.  There, will however, be no purchasing of books inside the building.  Because of safety precautions, purchasing can be done through the link  Free shipping will be offered on orders over a certain amount. We hope that you will support our book Fair as it is a wonderful fundraiser not just for the school library, but also for classroom libraries as well.  


Thank-you to all parents that signed up to help with supervision. We still need to fill 2 spots on Tuesdays and 1 spot on Wednesdays at lunch time (11:40 to 1pm). Please contact the office or reply to this email if you can help.


On Tuesday, October 20 at 9:15 a.m., all of our classes will take part in the Living Rosary, streamed to their classrooms. The Grade 2 and 3 “cohort” will lead us in prayer.


Today was the first day of Hot Foods. If you haven’t yet done so, please send payment asap.


Please make sure that you have signed up for these Zoom conferences via the link sent out by your child’s classroom teacher last week. A Zoom link will be sent to you early next week. Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences take place on Thursday, October 22nd. There are no classes that day.


There will be no classes for students next Friday, October 23, as our staff will look at updating our School Growth Plan.

School Office