School Updates – October 21st, 2020

We have been officially told by the Provincial Health Officer that the “second wave” is upon us. With this news, a few reminders. As is stated in our COVID-19 Safety Plan, prior to 8:40 a.m., students and parents should remain in their vehicles and students are to go straight home after school.

I understand the need to see and speak with one another, as we all value a social connection but please maintain the 2 meter physical distancing directives.

Once again, thanks to the many, many families who are being so diligent with the daily health checks and keeping their children home when they are not well. Your efforts and sacrifices are truly appreciated by all.

I have no doubt that if we continue to work as a team, we can achieve great things!

Miss Sandberg

No Classes

A reminder that there are no classes for students tomorrow (Zoom Conferences) and on Friday (Pro-D Day). Have a fun and safe weekend!

Walkathon Pledges

There are still some families that have not returned Walkathon pledge forms. Prizes will be drawn next week. Please return all money collected to the office as soon as possible.

Halloween Candy

The Good Shepherd Ministry is a Catholic Outreach organization that works with people on the downtown eastside of Vancouver. Through this pandemic, they are working with the Door is Open, another Catholic organization. Typically, they minister to people and distribute items such as toiletries and candy.

They are asking our community for donations of any excess Halloween candy. If families are not trick or treating this year, perhaps consider donating a box of candy. They will create candy bags to deliver a prayer and note of inspiration to those who live without either.

Students/families may drop off any candy donations at school during the week of November 2nd to 6th.

Catholic Charities

Each year, all of our Catholic Schools work together to raise money for the “Archbishop’s Charities”. A cheque is presented to Archbishop Miller at the annual Archbishop’s Dinner. This year the dinner will be held on-line. Our CISVA Schools will be presenting him with a cheque of $20,400.00. Our school contributed $700.00 towards the total. The money will be distributed to: The Door is Open, Men’s Hostel, Prison Ministry, and Refugee Ministry.

Photo Day

Picture Day is coming Friday, November 6. After Picture Day, order pictures on using your Portrait ID and Access Code which will be available on your Picture Day order form.

Supervisor Needed

We are still looking for a supervisor for Tuesdays at lunch time (11:40 to 1pm). Please contact the office or reply to this email if you can help.

School Office