School Updates – October 28th, 2020

Dear Parents,

In September of this year CISVA introduced the Temporary Transition Option (TTO) for parents requesting a gradual return to full-time in-person instruction. For families requesting this option, two return dates were set, October 13th and November 16th, with the possibility of a future third date based on the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CISVA has in fact, decided to offer a third return date of Monday, January 4, 2021. TTO families must inform the school of their intention, either to return to class on November 16th or January 4, 2021. They will need to inform the school via email or phone before November 9th.

I would like to thank our teachers for supporting our TTO students during these times. Your effort with the extra planning and online meetings is greatly appreciated.

Stay safe!
Miss Sandberg

Halloween and All Saints Day Feast Day

A reminder that on Friday, October 30th, students may come to school dressed as their favourite story book character or wear orange and/or black or wear their uniform. If a student chooses to “dress down”, a minimum donation of $1.00 will be collected for Catholic Charities. Please no scary or offensive characters.

On Monday, November 2nd, students may come to school dressed as a Saint. Since we are celebrating our Parish Feast Day on this day, no collection will be taken.

A reminder that due to COVID-19, students will not be able to hand out candies or treats to others on either day.

Good Shepherd Ministry

During the week of November 2nd, donations of candy will be collected at the office for this Catholic organization that ministers to those on the downtown eastside of Vancouver.

Turn Your Clocks Back …

Daylight savings time ends this weekend. Turn your clock back 1 hour when you go to bed on Saturday night.

Vehicle Fob Trouble?

Can’t unlock or start your vehicle in the front parking lot? This has been happening to a number of parents and staff. It’s likely not your fob that is the issue. We have not been able to determine the exact source of the problem, as this can occur at various times of the day or night. It could be the internet tower on the corner of Gatensbury and Como Lake? A suggestion is to park in the back lot or to not lock your vehicle, if you are just dropping or picking up.


Our QAS community pulled together and we raised $13,188.00 from the Walkathon! Thank-you to all for your contributions. The children will receive an ice-cream treat in celebration of achieving our school goal. We are still accepting pledge forms if you haven’t yet submitted yours.

Photo Day

Picture Day is coming Friday, November 6. After Picture Day, order pictures on using your Portrait ID and Access Code which will be available on your Picture Day order form.

Kindergarten Registration for 2021-2022

Our records indicate a number of families with siblings entering next year. If you have a child who will be 5 years old before December 31, 2021, and we have not mentioned your name via the email updates, please inform the office.


Do we have your current address? Have you moved recently? Please inform the office if your address has changed. We need your current address for tax receipts.

School Office