Dear Parents,
At this time of year the weather doesn’t always cooperate in the mornings. Sometimes traffic is heavy and getting to school on time can become a challenge. However, please be certain that you or your drivers are not speeding through the school zone or the parking lot. We are trying to keep our students safe and do not want any accidents, with youngsters darting out into speeding traffic.
Our supervisors are reporting that if families arrived 10 minutes prior to the 8:40 a.m. bell, they would find that there are plenty of parking spaces. Additionally, there are no drop off zones at our school, so please find a parking spot. However, please avoid the reserved spots and staff lot (see attached).
Let’s keep our students safe.
On behalf of the QAS staff, I want to wish all families a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Enjoy your weekend.
J. Sandberg
A reminder that our walkathon is this Friday, October 7th. Students that qualified received their walkathon tee shirts today. They should wear their walkathon shirt or QAS PE shirt and shorts to school on Friday. A hoodie or jacket is also recommended. We will begin walking after Mass. Students will also have an opportunity to eat a snack prior to walking. After circling Como Lake a number of times, all will walk back to the school for a treat. Dismissal is at 12:00 noon.
Congratulations to our lucky Wednesday winners from today: Celena M, Roy M, Desi D, Morrie S, Tessa G, Sophie B, Preston W. and Clare P.
Check us out on Instagram! Our Instagram handle is qas.saints
Grade 3 parents, if you have any photos from First Communion, we would like to have copies for the year book. Please send first communion photos to [email protected]
LifeTouch Photos
Your child’s individual photos were sent home today. Orders are due back to school by Thursday, October 14th or order on-line by following the instructions on the envelope.
Winter uniform starts after Thanksgiving on Tuesday, October 12th.
LAST CALL for this school year. Order your PE uniform by Oct. 13th (through our school website) for distribution by January 2022. Grade 1 students will be required to start wearing PE uniform starting in January.
The PAC is once again offering Hot Dog lunches once per month. The fall order dates are Mondays, October 18th, November 15th, December 13th and January 17th. The order form was sent home yesterday for the fall orders. Orders are due by Tuesday, October 12th.
Happy Thanksgiving!
School Office