School Updates – January 5th, 2022

Safety Update

A safety update with more details about next week will be sent home later this week, as we continue to understand the new requirements and put protocols in place.

Snow Day or Not? 

Weather or emergency conditions may cause cancellation of school. If possible, the call to cancel school is made by 7:15 a.m. 

If school is closed, it will be: 

  1. Posted on the school website at
  2. Announced and/or posted on radio stations – CKNW 98 and NEWS 1130 
  3. Announced and/or posted on TV station – GLOBAL BC

If school is open, parents use their own judgment on whether or not to send their children to school. If it should snow heavily during school hours, parents may pick-up their children at any time. School will remain open until all the children have been picked up. 

Hot Foods 

The Hot Lunch scheduled for today will be re-scheduled for another date. 

Basketball Practices  

Basketball practices will take place next week starting on Monday, January 10th as scheduled.

Did you travel internationally over the Christmas Holiday?
Unvaccinated, or not-fully vaccinated children are not allowed to attend school or daycare for 14 days upon arrival in Canada. As always, please complete the on-line absentee form if your child was (or will be) away for vacation or for quarantining. 

Bottle Drive Fundraiser-Date Change

The originally scheduled bottle drive on January 6 and 7 has been changed to January 13 and 14.  You can drop off your empties in the back parking lot by the church before and after school. More details to follow next week.  If you prefer you can bring your bottles directly to a ‘return-it’ depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the school’s phone number (604-931-9071) into the Express kiosk. For more details see:

St. Thomas Moore Update

The STM in-person open house as well as placement exams for grade 7 students have been cancelled due to COVID. There will be a virtual open-house on January 11th at 6:15pm. Please contact STM for more information


School Office

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