School Updates – September 30th, 2020

The last day of September … I thought it would never come! It is always such a busy month in schools but this year has been over the top with COVID-19, smoky skies, and downpours. Each week was something different. Hopefully, we will all get into the October routine.

Thanks again to all families who have been closely monitoring their children’s health each day. It helps us know what the symptoms are as to why a child is away from school, when you report in the morning. Please also ensure that you send a note explaining an absence, when your child returns to school or complete one on the school website. These notes are important for the attendance audit that is completed each spring for Ministry funding purposes.

Thanks to all who purchased items during the meat fundraiser. Preliminary reports are that it has been very well supported.

Enjoy the warm weather and stay safe!

Miss Sandberg

Winter Uniform
Students are to wear winter uniform starting October 15th.

Consignment Sale
There will be a Consignment sales outside the gym on the following dates…
Monday, October 5th — 2:30pm – 3:30pm — Grades K to 3
Wednesday, October 7th — 2:30pm – 3:30pm — Grades 4 to 7

The Walkathon is coming up next Friday, October 9th. Permission forms were due last week. Please submit that if you have not already done so. Get your pledge form in by Monday, Oct. 5th to qualify for the Early Bird Draw. All pledges and money are due by October 16th to qualify for category prizes. If you are able to volunteer and have not yet completed the volunteer form, please contact Mrs. Dallazanna directly. All volunteers must have a Criminal Record Check on file at the school (new ones are required for this school year).

Hot Foods Program
Munch-a-lunch is OPEN for ordering for the first term (Oct 14 to Jan. 6th). All orders must be placed by Oct 5th at midnight. Payment is due to the school within 7 days of placing your order.

TTO Families
Families that opted for the TTO, please let the school know by Tuesday, October 6th if your child(ren) will be returning on October 13th.

Life Chain Sunday
Dear Group Leaders and fellow parishioners of All Saints,
Sunday, October 4th, 2020 is the date of this year’s LIFE CHAIN.  Unfortunately our parish is unable to take part this year due to COVID-19.  However, YOU can still participate!  We ask you to join us in prayer anytime on that date. Set aside time in the comfort of your own home.  Therefore, please send a request to all your members and friends and ask them to take some time in quiet and pray.  Pray for those most precious souls.  Pray for the unborn children!
Occurring each year on the First Sunday of October, from its humble beginnings in 1987 in a small town in Northern California, LIFE CHAIN is now a World success story, gathering millions in cities and towns forming a ‘chain’ of silent prayer for one hour during the day.  I’m proud to say that All Saints has led the way locally and is a firm participant and supporter of this most necessary cause.  It is with regret we cannot be along Como Lake this year as usual.
This year also gives All Saints a good opportunity to unite in prayer.  Our champion in this cause, a fellow outstanding parishioner, Patricia Davidson recently died.  Pat worked tirelessly for our Catholic church.  She was a leader in our parish for decades and extremely committed to all things Pro Life.  In some years when nobody else was there to take up the cause and help Pat was unperturbed and stood alone!  Let’s remember her in this special way.  Pray at home for the unborn child and its mother and all those contemplating abortion.
Please mark your calendars and set aside some time at home.  Next year hopefully we can again be a ‘visible’ witness.  Prayer is our greatest weapon.
Thank you,
Susan Wallace
Pro Life Group
All Saints Parish

School Office